This is where I'm going to school.. Carnegie Mellon University. There is something VERY unusual about this view of CMU though... yes, thats right, THE SUN'S OUT!!! WOOHOO!!!! (i had to sit and wait about 3 months to get a picture like this.. :) The building in the picture is Margaret Morrison Carnegie Hall.. I've only been in that building prolly twice since I've been at CMU... (there're a lot of humanities and arts type classes in there.. so physics/computer science majors don't have much reason to go there... :) right behind me (ha! you can't see it! imagine that..) is the new University Center.. between where i was standing and that building, (What that guy (who i don't know by the way..) is leaning on the fence overlooking) are the tennis courts.. To the left of the picture are a lot of the dorms (but not mine) and some other various assorted stuff. To the right are all the academic buildings and everything else... (My dorm, mudge, is pretty much back and to the right a ways... )

Now, the best part of this picture... you see that red rectangular building up on the hill in the back right of the picture?? yeah.. that one.. thats where Mr. Rogers (of Mr. Rogers' Neighborhood) used to live.. WOOHOO!!! :)
