Mudge house, my freshman year dorm. Mudge is made up of three buildings, all connected through the basement. A-tower, the original building given to CMU by the Mudge family, is the one you see in the picture. B and C towers are different, as they were built to be dorms, rather that to be someone's house. They're long and narrow, like normal dorms.. (thats why the picture of my floor doesn't look like it would fit in that building.. because it wouldn't..) In the picture, you can see the end of C tower on the left side... (behind and to the left of A-tower..) B tower (where I lived) is on the opposite side.. There are two blue things there that you normally wouldn't see around mudge... 1) That blue van... not that there are never any cars in the driveway, just that particular van isn't there 24/7... and 2) THE SKY!! IT'S ACTUALLY BLUE!!! WOOHOO!!!
